Here is F.P. Ward's expert guide to impact moling. What is impact moling? Why choose impact moling? These questions and more are answered below.
What Is Impact Moling?
Impact moling is a construction method that lays piping, cabling or ducting without having to dig a trench.
Impact moling is one of the most straightforward techniques in trenchless technology. It’s an environmental friendly, cost effect solution that can be used for a variety of pipe types.How Does Impact Moling Work?
It works by taking a pneumatic drill, this is what’s known as the impact mole, and guiding it through the ground to create an underground path. The No-Dig effect comes from the mole displacing soil rather than having to remove it through the ground above. This means that only an entry and exit point is needed.
What Makes Impact Moling Environmentally Friendly?
Impact moling gets its environmentally friendly credentials from the process being streamlined and quicker than others - this simply means it uses less energy comparatively. It also uses less reinstatement materials as this method generates far fewer spoils than trenching. Fewest material, energy requiring processes and disruption to wildlife make it the greenest solution available.
What Are The Benefits Of Impact Moling?
One of the most desirable parts of utilising moling is its unobtrusive impact on the ground when compared with trenching. A wide range of installations including water pipes, gas pipes, cables and ducts can be achieved with this method. Impact moling only usually needs small entry and exit points causing minimum disruption to the ground above. This lack of disruption often makes moling quicker and cheaper when comparing it to other options. Reduced Co2 emissions means it even makes for a more environmentally friendly practice. Impact moling makes for an easy clean up leaving behind a clean and professional finish.
Is Impact Moling Right For You?
Impact moling can so often be used in pipe laying but if you’d like to know more about whether it’s the right type of installation for your project get in touch with one of our experts today.